Small Pendants
Small Circle and Heart Pendant
Small Square and Heart Pendant
Small Rectangle Pendant
Small Round Pendant
Small Square Pendant
Single Butterfly Pendant
Small Triangle Pendant
Dripping Heart Pendant
Small Rectangle Pendant
Big Star Small Round Pendant
Fire and Ice Small Leaf Pendant
Skylark Bird Pendant
Skylark Small Square Pendant
California Small Round Pendant
Evergreen small square pendant
Evergreen small round pendant
Evergreen Rectangle pendant
Firebird small sailboat pendant
Firebird small square pendant.
Firebird small rectangle pendant.
Swift small rectangle pendant
Swift small round pendant
California small rectangle pendant
California small round pendant
Mint small sailboat pendant
Sundial small rectangle pendant
Honey small rectangle pendant
Honey small irregular pendant
Geranium Small Round Pendant
Geranium small square pendant
Peacock small round pendant
Peacock small rectangle pendant
ferris wheel sailboat pendant
ferris wheel small circle pendant
ferris wheel small rectangular pendant
Purple haze small arch pendant